Guidelines to Gameday!

Revamped Albertson’s Howl Zone: The game day experience begins long before fans take their seats inside the stadium. With the new revamped Albertson’s Howl Zone opening three (3) hours prior to kickoff. With fun for every age the Howl Zone will feature a kid’s zone area with inflatables, face painters, and balloon artists; an inflatable area with other activities sponsored by National Guard and a LIVE DJ throughout all of Howl Zone. The Lobo Radio Pre-Show will kick off one hour prior to gameday and be featured inside Lobo One. If you would like to have a tailgate reserved spot in our Howl Zone this season, please go to and go to the Tailgate Tent Order Form page!
Lobo Walk: Will take place an hour and half prior to the start of the game. The Lobos will make their way through the Howl Zone and then enter through the Northeast gate.
Mobile Ticketing and Parking: As previously announced, UNM Athletics has moved to digital ticketing for both tickets into the game and parking. Fans can access their tickets and parking tickets from their phones and are encouraged to download tickets before arriving to the stadium to ensure they are easily accessible. Once downloaded, cell phone service and Wi-Fi are not needed. To learn more please visit our mobile ticketing guide page at
Clear Bag Policy: As previously announced, UNM Athletics will be implementing a clear bag policy at ALL athletic events. These policies significantly expedite fan entry into all stadiums. Clear bags may be no larger than 12”x6”x12”. For more information on the clear bag policy visit Zia Graphics will be at the Northeast and Northwest with clear bags available for purchase.
Field Suites: Want to be up close and personal to the Lobos? Then the field suites are for you. With the ONLY seats that are on the field you and 25 of your friends and family could enjoy the game from the South End Zone. For only $1000, you get the closest seats on the field, food and access to beer and drinks. For more information contact the UNM Ticket Office at 505-925-LOBO for more information.
Ride Share: Sponsored by TLC, the Ride Share pickup/drop off location will be located on Avenida Cesar Chavez SE right outside the NE Entrance of University Stadium.
Concessions: This year the concessions at University Stadium are being revamped. From local trucks, craft beer stands, and more, you’ll be able to find whatever you want to eat on a gameday. Also coming soon to concessions will be the option to mobile order for 4 select locations. For more information visit
Overnight RV Parking: Looking to camp out for the Lobos? Overnight RV Parking is from noon (12 pm) the day prior to the game until noon (12 pm) the day after the game. Each Overnight RV location consists of 4-6 parking spaces just north of The Pit and 1-2 parking passes nearby for just $100 per game. This is subject to change based on the needs of the UNM Athletic Department. To reserve your spot for gameday contact Josh Padilla with the Lobo Club at 505-925-5901 or