Open Announce

Athletics Joins Albertsons to Aid Lobo Food Pantry

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — With the Lobo Food Pantry in need, Lobo Athletics delivered.
Teaming up with corporate partner Albertsons and New Mexico Sports Properties, Director of Athletics Eddie Nuñez and Deputy A.D. David Williams delivered close to $1,000 worth of groceries to the Lobo Food Pantry after the announcement that traffic to the Lobo Food Pantry tripled in March due to the coronavirus outbreak and the lack of supplies and donations.  It was the first of several deliveries over the upcoming weeks by Lobo Athletics, which will distribute nearly $4,000 worth of groceries and toiletries.
Nuñez challenged UNM’s coaches, senior staff and the Lobo Club board to help the cause, and the group came through.  The staff responded by raising additional funds which will help to keep the food pantry open.  In partnering with Albertsons, Nuñez and Williams brought bags upon bags of groceries and toiletry items for the food pantry to distribute.

“During this time of need, we feel Lobo Athletics has a responsibility to find ways to help,” said Nuñez. “We are grateful to Albertsons, our coaches and staff, and our Lobo Club board for collaborating on this project. The Lobo Food Pantry is critically important, and we are thankful to be able to provide much needed supplies. Together, we will beat coronavirus and move forward as a stronger community.”
The Lobo Food Pantry provides groceries and toiletries to students, employees and the greater UNM community.  This program is a collaboration between the Dean of Student Office, OSA and Roadrunner Food Bank.  To donate and continue to help our local community from home visit for more information.