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Adolph Plummer Plaque Unveiled

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — On Friday morning, Adolph Plummer, one of the greatest Lobos not just in UNM track and field history, but in UNM athletics history, was immortalized with a plaque at the UNM Track Complex in a ceremony attended by former teammates, local dignitaries, and media.  The ceremony culminated with a proclamation declaring today “Adolph Plummer Day” in Albuquerque.

Plummer, who was inducted in the New Mexico Sports Hall of Fame in 1976, set the world record in the 440-yard dash, becoming the first human to run a recorded sub-45 second race, clocking in at 44.9 seconds.  He did that in 1963, and 55 years later it still is one of the top five times in the event in history.  Plummer was also the 1965 U.S. Champion in the 220-yard dash.

The official unveiling was done by head UNM track coach Joe Franklin, whose women’s cross country team is currently ranked No. 1 in the nation and are the 2015 and 2017 NCAA champions, and Adolph’s wife of 37 years, Carolym.  Carolyn remarked that while she never saw him run at UNM, she saw him working in the public school system, and saw how fast he could chase down children.

After the ceremony, which included a member of Mayor Tim Keller’s office reading a proclamation, all guests went to the Alumni Letterman’s Lounge in Dreamstyle Arena where they enjoyed reminiscing and visiting with old friends, including Lobo Football legend Bobby Santiago.