Open Announce

Post Game Quotes

Dec. 18, 2004

Recap | Box Score | Notes

New Mexico 61, No. 23 Arizona State 45

From New Mexico head coach Don Flanagan

“I can’t believe we had 24 turnovers. It was frustratingto watch. Some of them were unforced. When we finallygot away from them we were still turning it over. Theyplay pressure, pressure, pressure and it has given a lotof teams trouble. You have to be very patient againstthem and we weren’t quite as patient.

We were fortunate to shoot well. Usually when we shootwell we win because we can defend. Our defense wasn’t tooshabby either.”

From New Mexico senior guard Mandi Moore

(on UNM’s defensive performance) — “We had a week toprepare for them. We were real focused. We knew whatthey were going to run. There were going to be backscreens, up screens, lots of screens. I think we did anexcellent job of talking. It’s some of the bettersdefense we’ve played this year.”