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Duquesne Post Game Quotes

Nov. 14, 2004

Recap | 
Final Stats | 

New Mexico Head Coach Ritchie McKay

Opening Statement:

“I am a little tired, if not physically, mentally. I know our guys …this has been a tough weekend but I was really proud of this game tonight, because it was a game that I was concerned about. I was very concerned about it because Duquesne had an easier night last night. I thought they had an advantage because our players were coming off a very good game. We are very excited and maybe we were a little bit over confidant today. That’s my responsibility to get the team prepared, but this is a step forward for our team because we were not having the same success we were last night. I think we could have easily got down on each other like we have in the past. I saw nothing but belief on our guys that they were going to win the game. I like that, because when you can win and not play your best, that shows signs of a good team. No disrespect to Duquesne but they played a great game. ”

Defensively you guys did a good job, was there anything else that attributed to winning the game?

Kris Collins, he was tremendous tonight, on the offensive side at least. I’ve got to watch the tape because I thought number five got into the paint too much, but offensively he did a great job for us tonight. ”

Duquesne Head Coach Danny Nee

“We were really pleased with the weekend getting to play three teams that are this different, this early in the season. Playing the Lobos here on Sunday gave us a chance to be like playing at Dayton or Xavier. It was a good crowd and a hostile environment. I was pleased with our effort. We are working on trying to get better.”