John Dolzadelli
John Dolzadelli starred as a halfback and linebacker from 1925-28 for head coach Roy Johnson. He played on the 1927 team that finished 8-0-1, the school’s only squad to go undefeated. Dolzadelli was a co-captain in 1928 when he was named to the All-Southwest team. He was the first Lobo football player to participate in a postseason all-star game, the 1928 East-West Shrine game.
A 1929 UNM graduate, Dolzadelli worked at his alma mater for 36 years (1936-72) in numerous roles: veteran’s adviser, assistant dean of men, freshman coach, intramural director, athletics business manager and assistant athletics director. He was instrumental is the development of the school’s athletics facilities on South Campus, including University Stadium and The Pit.
Dolzadelli was honored with a lifetime membership in the Lobo Club upon his retirement from UNM in 1972.